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"Don't cover up bad smells - Eliminate them"

Is what's written on the cover of the VÄDRA package. And that's exactly what VÄDRA has done for thousands of users across the world since the first unit was delivered 2006. Without hesitation we say that VÄDRA is the most popular air purifier.

VÄDRA is developed, produced and marketed by Ozonetech which is one of Sweden's most experienced businesses working with air and water purifiers with ozone, with over 20 years on the field. To this day all production and product development is being done in Sweden. Which is why we can offer quick deliveries, unique product knowledge and flawless service.

Read what a few of our customers have to say about VÄDRA

"The good thing with this product is that you don't have to close the room for several days to get rid of the odor needing to get aired out. Air cleaning in the morning and you can rent rent it out by the evening after having the window opened for a little while - very good. ... We've used it in rooms where guests have smoked, brought animals, strong perfumes, body odors and in our Commonroom where long stay guests are able to cook their own food - in this room there are very strong smells of all sorts of foods - it's as effective on all smells."
Clarion Hotel

"The VÄDRA unit works great and not just on the attic. I think this was one of my best purchases!"
Berit, Mölndal

"The VÄDRA stays in the vacation house on Malaga. The extreme mold smell that was there previously is almost entirely eliminated. VÄDRA is on 2 x 3 hours intervals per day. It has been doing this for several months now."
Lennart, Täby

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